Emo Gal...

Jenn Chong
First Cry in life 24/08/1997
Studying in CCKPS/CCKSS
Single / Attached
Deeply Hurt

Wishing Well

Be the TOP in class
Be promote to EXPRESS class
Play the BEST piano and piano skills
Play the BEST trombone player in the whole Trombone Section
Youth Camp 2
Prepare class outing for my class
Have a Primary School Class Outing(6F)
To cry,fall,jump for God
Fill by Holy Spirit
Learn how to see notes instead of numbers
To have SERIOUS relationship (1yrs or more)
Scores A(s) for ALL subjects
To be love by him
To stead with him
Know how to play Viva La Vida and Fur Elise on Piano
New Phone
Not sooo many guys come jio me-.-"

Pull The Strings

Amelia JIE
Annabelle JIE
Ai Qi
Class Blog(1/3)
Gian Min
Irfan KOR
Jie Ying
Jie Ying JIE
Jia Ying
Jun Xiang
Jing Kai KOR
Jing You KOR
Ki Kym
Lin Xuan JIE
Li Xuan JIE
Lin Si
Michelle JIE
Ming Ying
Mu En
Mdm Refeah
Mdm Low
Natalie JIE
Si Jie
Shi Min
Shu Ting
Theng Yi
Whitney JIE
Wen Le Kor
Wai Yin
Wei Hui
Xiao Jing
Xi Wei JIE
Youth Group(CGM)
Youth Blog(By:Jenn)
Yee Le KOR
Yi Chen
Yu Xin

Gossip With Me

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hello everyone !
Okkay.... First i gonna say that.... i am NOT going for bamd camp... SAd right? yealo.. damn sad.. LOL
... Damn short post.. okok... Byebye !
Jenn !

Sweet Forest :: 1:14 AM

Sunday, November 7, 2010

GREAT performance ytd.. My leg have blister.. SAD...
I am totally rotting @ home.. not going out to anywhere @ all..
JingYou never reply my message since last night.. Damn worried as a BROTHER obviously.. LOL. Jingkai went for CCA Camp.. 3D 2N.. Sian..
Hahaha... Jing You fianlly talk to me on FB. LOL

Sweet Forest :: 11:07 PM

Heyhey people ! DADDY brought a new computer ytd... it cool!
It was the Arts Ignite!! :D
It was a great day..
Reach School @ 7.00am sharp.
Went to fall in and carry istruments and help out alot..
Was like keep quarrelling with Kenneth..
LOL. WAs sooo damn excited, thanks ChenCheng DADDY for his great message that gave me strength! LOL. @ around 2 pm plus alot of people started reaching.. i met long of people~ like Charlene, Natelie, Michelle's Parents, My parents, Royce, Dix, EDWIN, Justin, alot alot alot more!! LOL :D
Hahaha, today was the FIRST time i call Edwin name and talk him.. Oh , Pai Seh.. Super paiseh.. Okay, then we perform the song... 1. Flight Of Valor... 2. I dreamed a dream 3. Don''t Stop Believin'! And Lastly , our SCHOOL SONG! I cannot imgine sooo people where clapping and cheering who us... IT WAS AWESOME BUT TIRING ! But everyone Did GREAT ! LOL. Well.. Thanks to Amitayus for did not come today, me and kenneth keep quarrelling.... -.- LOL. Okay. GTG now.. bye !
Jenn :D

Sweet Forest :: 5:36 AM

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today is gonnna be a bored day..
And.. i ask him a question and i felt so silly after that.... Haiz..
LOL :D sorry if i hurt you.....
Mmmm.. i told "him" the true but i couldn't love him as must as i think...
LOL. Pai seh.. i am thinking tooo much... Sorry , JingKai cos i am not reffering to you... sorry sorry !
LOL... I am soooo damn silly.. nvm.. LOL.
Dun feel like talking today..ZZZ..
I shall end my post.. bye!

Sweet Forest :: 8:27 PM

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Woke up @ 10.30am.. Zzzz...
LOL. Weather is damn hot !
LOL . I cooked lunch for my family lor..
Fry Eggs, Ham, Crabsticks.. LOL.
Ate bread for lunch lor ! And TODAY then i know that actually Jing You is a Christian. wow.. i this mei mei fail la ! LOL.
LOL. At night, mama and papa going to church.. Somethin like CEll Group..
LOL , gtg.. out for dinner tonight1
Jenn <3 Baby.

Sweet Forest :: 11:23 PM

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hurray ! Today is the last day of Band practice for this week.. And it will be show time ! Went to school early in the morning, Thanks dad! he sent me to school. and i reach school @ 7am SHARP! then we started to carry instruments to the foyer, it very heavy leh! Went to SP today ! OMG! the hall was like 4 level high... thousand ppl's seat.. OMG ! I cannot believe it... The hall was SOOO COLD, till nothing can be play out of my instruments.. LOL :D It was a rush practice than we were asked to clear the stage by 10.30am... then went back to school... Carry the insturments back to the band room and storeroom, IT SUPER HEAVY NOT LIGHT AT ALL! LOL. Then went to take my Band uni de Jacket, CRY la! I Cannoot wear but no choice dun have liao.. haiz... i need sew a button.. SaD... BUT the jacket is super nice okay ! LOL. then took 985 wif Jane and Xiao Jing to CCK interchange, then Xiao Jing and went to Lot One Mac.. She claim that she was hungry... soo i accompany her.. then we walk around until like 1++then i took 300 home... then i eat my lunch cook by my beloved mama! LOL. Nice~ LOL. LOL. okay, i got to continue my K2 Graduation Thingy.. Byebye!
Jenn :D

Sweet Forest :: 11:29 PM

Hello ! Today..mmm.... it.... i forgot wat day is today,mmm... WEDNESDAY!
LOL. Tomorrow is rehearsal @ SP.....Need report school @ 7.20 SHARP, hope my dad can send me... LOL. 4more days to concert... SOOO EXCITED ! I am very.. scare to play wrong! But my BABY JINGKAI, have jia yous for me !! LOL>
1000+++ people is there ! LOL.
Practice alot today.. had band from 10-1..
Lunch with Jane and Xiao Jing @ Lot ONE, Pasta Mania !(JINGKAI,i got eat hor!) LOL.
LOL. Zames join us too.. LOL.
LOL. after tat went home.. Took same bus as Zames, saw En Qi and his GF... LOL>
LOL... Here i am, home sweet home!
okay.. ending my post.. ! LOL.
And lastly, I HATE CHIA SI JIE ! -.-
Bye !

Sweet Forest :: 12:38 AM

Monday, November 1, 2010

Woke up @ 6am..
Left house @ 7.
Band. today.. GREAT !
Have many practice, pri schs kid visited us -.-
GREAT ! have lunch @ mac with Xiao jing and Jia Qi.
went home @ 4.
Not a good mood today hor..
Now 08.33 pm.. msgin 5 people, flooded my whole inbox.. LOL.
Haiz..I DUN WAN TO FACE RELATIONSHIP!! It kill and hurts me... LOL.
haiz.. GTG. bye

Sweet Forest :: 4:47 AM

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Today , Sunday !
Did some discussion about the K2 graduation.. some of the things, i am in-charge...
LOL. Did projection duty.... i keep press wrong.. damn PAISEH ! LOL. LOL.
Had lunch @ keat hong.. Big table sat together with Mr Choo's Family.. then that started talkin about my results -.- heard that they are buying assement books for me to do-.-
DIE !! LOL. nvrmind.. for my own good.. LOL,.
nvm.. hahah ! LOL.

Sweet Forest :: 2:59 AM

Friday, October 29, 2010

Haiz.. Sian... Damn sian... nothing to do @ all at home.. Phone send to repair.. this afternoon samsumg sms me tell me that my phone is fixed and it ready for collection! OMG ! i am sooo happy !! YAY !! Awww.... i miss someone @ this moment of time... !!
LOL... haha!! LOL. Msged XiWei the whole afternoon about a un-match couple... :D haha ! LOL.
Shh..... LOL.
Fine... i am alone @ homw with my brother !! WTH. Com spoil.. dun think this com can survive any longer le bah.. haiz... lol.. haiz.. 1,2,3&4 Nov got band practice.. it gonna be damn tiring... LOL. sad.. i am getting fatter le la!!!! :'(
Sad...mmm.. GTG. Bye! Jenn...
Love Baby JK..

Sweet Forest :: 5:44 AM

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Today is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Aww.. Sad...damn sad... heard tat they took class photo but i am not in the photo.. haiz.. sad..sad... I going to miss ALL my Sec 4s seniors.. and SOMEONE... LOL.
hahaha..Last day of guiding , guided class 1/7 and 1/8... Chen Cheng went crazy... he told that he like Chloe.... -.- LOL.
haha !
have a great time today in the museum. Saw JK, JY and alot their friends @ the gate.. OMG, damn ps lor... LOL.... haha !
hahah ! Went to lot one with chloe, xiaojing and jia qi for lunch... had fun talkin and chating around !! LOL. haha ! I drank Peach Ice Blend.. Yummy!! LOL... mmm... like i got guiding so both day de sexuality education lessons i did not attend!! LOL. but heard my friends say it all about pregnancy and .... ahem... S.......e.... X...... OMG. damn disgusting.. LOL.
hahahahah! sian liao lo.. next sun is Concert le!! This coming 1, 2 , 3 ,4 NOV i have band practice.. haiz.. gonna be tiring.. but nevermind.. all my church mates going.. so i must be the best !! LOL. Sad that you cannot go... haiz... LOL. nvm... tat all .... Bye!

Sweet Forest :: 1:37 AM

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Haiz...School ending... Sad.. damn sad... haiz..
Today lead tour for class 1/5 and 1/6... 1/5 is sooo much better than 1/6 :P
haiz... damn BORED plus TIRED !! i just dunno wat to do !! ZZZz.... Saw my JK today !! LOL. Damn P.s. lol!!
hahaha!! haiz.. this few days is like... damn bored till nth to do !!! haiz...
tomorrow last day of school..then 1,2,3 & 4 NOV need to go back sch for CCa.. then 7nov is our concert le !! I dun wan to wear the stupid looking band shirt !! I tried tat day, it look so ugly plus fat !! :( dun wan dun wan !! LOL.. endin my post... byebye !!
Jenn :D

Sweet Forest :: 12:18 AM

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Haiz.. Damn bored today...
Tot i couldn't on com today.. Sian....
I miss someone(cannot say) :X
haiz... Mum ask me go see the newspaper then i read liao found out that is she ask me go work during the school holiday earn some pocket money -.- LOL.
Dunno if it suit me, mama say she go call and ask le then tell me... she say play weekly de... sian liao lor...if work, got $$ good la.. but dunno tiring anot lor... LOL. Still considering if i should go and work... sian... Stay @ bored it will be like damn bored la , obviously. if work need to go until like Jurong there.. sian liao lor.. haha !
LOL. Damn miss you, you know !
Btw, Today i went to Asian civilisation Museum, guide those other express class !! Guided for like 4 times... today the class went was 1/4 and 1/1... WTH ! So hard to control them! i was like cannot remember wat are my lines keep on reading into my notes. LOL. Confirm very bad de lor.. Sad that my class did not get a chance to go ! But it good that i can skip those sexuality lesson..... Eww...LOL! hahha! I saw somebody today... but he did not see me -.- LOL. and especially cheryl will her "seniors".... went camp for two days?? never see them liao... LOL. LOLLOL.
Haiz.. sian.. seriously got nothing to do lor... Promised someone to give him answer on Christmas Day.. I dunno wat to answer him, Heart ah heart... Wat should i answer?? LOL. *emo* no... shall not emo.. cause ltr someone will kill me !! LOL... GTG.byebye !
Jenn :D

Sweet Forest :: 12:45 AM

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hello ppl !! My results is back !!
Eng : B3
Chi : B3
Math: C5
Sci : C5
Geog: A2
Hist: B3
Lit : A2
D&T : B3
Art : B3
HE : A2
ME : B
Music : A
Level Position: 23/80
Class Position: 13/40
Totally bad !! LOL. Chinese drop from A1 to B3( TOO paiseh to say i am a chinese)
haha ...haiz.. nvr get to go express.. haix... Bye

Sweet Forest :: 12:14 AM

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello! I am currently in school !! Using com in school ! LOL. Msging lot of ppl now too..
i feel abit lame... LOL ! Byebye !!
LOL> Will post my exam marks somedays...

Sweet Forest :: 8:10 PM

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hello ! I know i long time no post...
haha... today and tomorrow no school.Bored to max @ home.
Mum keep on nagging non-stop !
Got Com can liao..
haha ! :D
mmm.. getting results soon.... Noooooooo ! I dun wan !!! LOL.
Scare after receiving my reuslts, i will lost alot of my things....
haiz.... Still okay lah... can only Piano, Com,Tv, EAt, Play, Sleep everyday ....
Nth much to say..

Sweet Forest :: 11:42 PM

Thursday, October 7, 2010

School still okay...had History and Maths paper 1.. My history.. haiz.. lazy and no mood to say anything.. quite a good day ! Cooking dinner tonight !
Daddy is coming home only tomorrow....haiz...
I Love You, Kiddy KORKOR !
Bye !
Jenn :D

Sweet Forest :: 11:47 PM

Friday, October 1, 2010

YTD ! 30 09 10 ! 23 15
WAs an awesome... only me and you will know why.. LOL
was okay.. after school slack @ BPP ....
then go home... Dix ask me a lot of questions !!
LOL . haha.. nvm. itokay..
TODAY ! 01 10 10... CHILDREN DAY !
i wan back my children day !
my brother no school, i got exam !
Chinese paper today.. I thinks that i did quite well !
But it could be better !
Monday EL papers ! 2nd worst subject.. nvm.. Sian..
I wan to go study le ! BYebye !

Sweet Forest :: 12:25 AM

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

sChool was fine.
Msgin with Jing Kai and Sijie all the time in clasS !
i know i am naughty !
REcess i was force by Jing Kai to drink sth...
LOL . jing kai arh, i am not hungry !
really not hungry !
haha !
Stay back after school for history then followed by maths for hours..
NO lunch break @ all ..
Goood, dun need to see food !
haha !
went home around 4. took bus 300.
Took the same bus as Yee yang. Saw him but pretend i dunno him . GEt down the bus he call me tell me "hi and Bye " LOL . nvm... then reach home le !
Exam starts this FRiday !! totally not prepared !! ahh !! GOD HELP ME !!
Bye, Kiddy Jenn !

Sweet Forest :: 2:37 AM

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ytd CGM sunday school has Children day celebration tons and tons of ppl came !!
then reach CGM @ 7.15am.
Got a very nice Show early in the morning !
it is was sooo awesome !
soo many kids ! I MISS THEM !!
haha !!
it is soooooooo fun ~
end around 11.
had projection duty.
Monday ( today)
Still okay in school.
Pass irfan the _________ present to him ! Hope you like it !
the rest still okay~~
okay.. GTG
Bye !

Sweet Forest :: 3:22 AM

Monday, September 20, 2010

School... is fine...
Today GANG DING keep msgin me -.-
dun care about today le... Sijie ask me for _ _ _ _ _....
Dunno how to reply him....
should i ? don't think so ?
I looking forward toward tomorrow !!
Bye bye !

Sweet Forest :: 2:20 AM

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Went to CCK MRT to take MRT to Raffles Place to go for a museum workshop.!
So pack! you touch me , i touch you... eee.. nvm..
Awesome day. went lunch @ lot one with Elin & Weihui. then Took MRT to woodlands to go causeway find my mother and brother.
Sian... worst day ever... shop until so tired somemore wif sch uniform and sch shoes !! WTH !
nvm.. Nice day.. dun wanna to go for band tomorrow.. haiz..
Bye, Jenn

Sweet Forest :: 3:05 AM

Friday, September 3, 2010

Today, saturday...
WAs okay.. Going to CGM kinde ltr.. for study ! i am wondering if i can stay awake....
jUz realise tat i have soooooooo many homework.. and not just ONE ! now relax myself playing com !
Sian!! next week timetable horrible !! SEEE ----->
Monday: Band(whole day) , rememdial, class outing(not going) .
Tuesday:Goin 2 Museum 4 NE ambassdor nid 2 MRT myself 2 Raffles place muz reach @ 8.30AM!
Wednesday: BAND(whole day) !
Thursday: NE ambassdor AGAIN!
Friday: Maybe need to go out with a long time no meet cousin for another whole day !
Sat: MAYBE got the Study Group.
Sun: church !!
My timetable is pack everyday! no time for homework lor !! LOL
Nth else to say! BYebye !

Sweet Forest :: 10:10 PM

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Daddy coming back TODAY !! YAY!!
Today, Friday, last day of school...
not many lesson. suppose to have spring cleaning @ 12pm.
but ah ma Koh take the time from 12-12.30 to teach maths !!
WTH. Ah Ma Koh, please ! Stop this.
Then Need to take ALL the textbooks and worksbook and wateva books him..
Went home early, reason( dun tell u)
then have to carry all those stupid books !!
Got back report book. fail my history and... math...
got 3 A1s and 3 B3s and 2Us
sian... must seriously work harder le !! haiz...
Bye bye !!
Jenn !

Sweet Forest :: 11:40 PM

Today school was_______. dunno use wat to describe ...
Got two bag of YOG goodies bag !! COOL~
then went to CGM wif so many bag of goodies cos need to keep for the absentees ..
then when to CGM to practice the songs for this sun !
Thanks Mrs Choo alot in helping , it really helps !
then reach home around 5.45pm.. damn late..
YAY! Daddy coming back tomorrow !! So excited leh !!
Got transport to school, won't be late le !
Bye bye !!!

Sweet Forest :: 3:10 AM

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today no school cos today is TEACHER'S DAY !
Went out to Jurong Point with my mother until now ! (6.18)
back. was an awesome day.
everything quite fun. juz cannot play properly the songs for sunday ! !!!!!
God hellp mE!!
Jenn !

Sweet Forest :: 2:49 AM

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Had a great day today. Sec Sch end @ 10.
Then when back to primary school @ 12.45-2.30.
After that when slacking with primary friends, my worst teacher's day ever !
But had a fun and enjoyable day today !
bye bye !
Jenn :D

Sweet Forest :: 1:51 AM

Monday, August 30, 2010

School was fine.
Today was NOT an awesome day, like dunno wat !
the whole class like monkeys
Got PC workshop until 5. tiring. was msgin liinson to take away my tired-ness. so was okay.
Reach home now .
wanna to go back CCKPS tomorrow .... but dunno who is going back.. no partner.. sian..

Sweet Forest :: 3:16 AM

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Today, Sunday... was a AWESOME DAY !
Woke up @ 7am sharp okay !
Then wash up and do all the stuffs and everything finish @ 8.05.
Then was like rushing around to pack bag, brought two fat file cos today got " lian ge" for this coming sunday worship.
Then was suppose to reach church @ 8.45am. but i was damn early , reached @ 8.25am.
While waitin went to on all the lights and air-con...
Then around 8.40, jia wei came , i was like OMG !
then followed by Mr choo then Michelle..
Whitney said on SAT night that she will reach @ 8.40 but at last she reached @ 8.43am.
Whitney !! Must have time estimate correct hor!! Jkjk..
then sat down on the floor then talking about the paper...
then prayed and set off. I was in Amelia and EnQi's group.. then at last Yee Yang and ambrose joined in .. then went walking around. dunno wat to do. then walk walk to the senior corner then saw mr choo, wei xiao and whitney. then spilt again. then went to michelle's grandma house void deck de chairs and table there slack , Yee yang and amelia forced me to sit down. then i sit lor.. then @ 10 plus slowly walk back. Reach the coffee shop saw yee le , yao yang, yao guang , charlene they all sitting there. But we went back, on the way back to church meet mr chooo again! then shared about who we met on the treasure hunting ! then prayed for a few ppl then for service then end youth grp. was doin the projection duty. after everything ended was expected to stay cos coming this sun i playing piano need to practice. "MR CHOO !! Can dun play "F" key anot !!?? ALL the songs were in F, wth.. LOL.
Reach home around 4 plus. Everything was fine.. Kept on msgin with Liinson Kor Kor !!! LOL. So damn fun...Now 7.26pm mummy and jonas not at home.. me alone @ home so shiok !! can play games till siao !! WOO ! Bye !!
Jenn :D

Sweet Forest :: 4:00 AM

Friday, August 27, 2010

Today two person birthday today... While my birthday have already pass for four days, i am old...
Haizz.. Life is suck!
My DADDY is finally coming next friday !
Was suppose to come home last month, August.. But boss wanna him to stay for three more months, but my dad dun agree so stay one more month...
DADDY say coming back bring me go out and eat....
"DADDY, last you was not in Singapore for my birthday, this year also.. I wanna present ! " Jkjk...
Looking forward to come back..
Today SAT , nothing to do...
Was messaging Liinson, talking about lian gang ding, the stalker, the pervert.. I let you see two photos...

He say that guy in the photo was him... But after some checking from this army friends and my mum realised tat guy was a star from Taiwan !wth.. and actually this was him. ( look on below)

The guy on the right in the photo was him ! WTH! there is so much different ! how could he lied ! WTH..
Nothing else i could say... GTG.

Sweet Forest :: 11:55 PM

Hello !!!

I am back...
Sch was fine today..
I got scolded by Ahma Koh for NO reason! WTH!
No CCA today, went to lot one to slack until like 3 plus....
Then come home..
I very guai today, doing homework now ! LOL .
Dad coming back next friday! looking forward to it !
Radin became my KOr KOR! I feel so happy havin him as my brother !
Sian.. My life is suck.... _ _ _ _ _, ILY..
Bye !

Sweet Forest :: 1:33 AM

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hello !
Sorry for posting for sooooo damn long yea?
Hahaha.. I am trying to post everyday k?
Please tag for me ! Thanks !
Love you ppl !

Jenn :D

Sweet Forest :: 5:19 AM

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